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Floor Systems

• Designed for freedom
Pre-engineered floor truss systems can span great distances, allowing larger open spaces beneath them that can be unobstructed by columns and partitions.

• Installed perfection
Our clients see the benefits of pre-engineered floor trusses as soon as they arrive on-site. The consistent size and height of pre-engineered floor joists ensure an easier sub-floor material installation, and the open design means that utilities can run through the floor system without the need for drilling or cutting holes.

• Accuracy and quality
The state-of-the-art technology used in the design and manufacturing of our floor trusses makes them a superior choice for builders looking to streamline construction.

• Integrity you can rely on
Our consistent material strength and strict quality control measures mean that our products are the strongest, most durable products on the market.

• Detailed installation plans
Detailed truss placement diagrams are sent along with the trusses to help the builder place trusses exactly where they need to be installed

Casa Engineering Composite Floor System
Composite joists mean having the concrete slab as the top chord of the joist. It allows the joist to span further, be stiffer, act as a diaphragm to transmit lateral loads and basically feel substantial like a floor should feel.

Casa Engineering composite joists add more dividends. Their stiffness eliminates the need for bridging. No bridging reduces erection cost, increases worker safety, and allows for free circulation of mechanical systems. Open web joists, which a Casa Engineering joist is, will allow circulation of all mechanical system with no soffits. The sharing of this plenum space reduces building height, building costs, and allows upscale mechanical solutions without costly construction.

Casa Engineering JOISTS
Casa Engineering joists are built custom for every project and every location. They are designed to pick up point loads. This allow for easy construction of setbacks, easy pickup of headers, and the easy creation of major slab openings. Heavier loads are accommodated through Casa Engineering long span joists and composite truss girders.

Casa Engineering will slope its top chord for roof construction eliminating the need for tapered insulation for drainage. Casa Engineering will build special openings in the trusses for large mechanical ducts. Varying floor elevations, standard or Juliet balconies, and special features to better market an apartment or building is accomplished by willingness to custom design to accommodate your needs.

The Casa Engineering UL ratings are the best and the most comprehensive in the industry. Uses in 2 hour and 3 hour assemblies with one layer of sheetrock accommodate Type I and Type II construction requirements with liberal allowances for unprotected openings. Ceilings can be attached to the bottom chord of the joist for economy or hung from slab or joists.

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